Ask the Expert: Forklift Inspection Requirements   - EHS Daily Advisor

2022-07-02 03:39:16 By : Mr. Ian Wang

Practical EHS Tips, News & Advice. Updated Daily.

In our latest installment of Ask the Expert, brought to you by the team of industry experts at EHS Hero®, we look at a recent question from a subscriber asking about the annual inspection requirements for forklifts and other powered industrial vehicles. See what the experts had to say.   

Q: Is there an OSHA requirement for annual inspections for forklifts or similar powered industrial vehicles? 

Inspection frequency. Forklifts must be examined at least daily before being placed in service. Forklifts used on a round-the-clock basis must be examined after each shift. Defects must be immediately reported and corrected. For more information about all forklift inspection and maintenance requirements, see the rule at 29 Code of Federal Regulations 1910.178(p) and(q). 

Preoperational inspection (engine off). Before starting a vehicle, the operator must conduct a preoperation (or prestart) inspection that checks a variety of items, including, but not limited to: 

Operational inspection (engine on). After completing the preoperation inspection, operators must conduct an operational inspection with the engine running. This inspection includes: 

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